Web Service: DvsSpycerWebservice

Target Namespace:
This document provides a reference to all commands supported by the web service DvsSpycerWebservice. The commands allow you to access the top-level functionality of DVS's content management application Spycer via SOAP (Build date: 2009/06/25).

The web service expects the commands in XML format. The XML as well as the data to be sent are case-sensitive.

When sending predefined control strings (restricted strings), you may, instead of sending the string, send the enumeration constant (enum const) as detailed in the WSDL source code (see "source code" links).

Port DvsSpycerWebserviceHttpPort Port type Source code

Default style:
Transport protocol:
  1. ContentGetProperties Detail Source code
  2. ContentSetProperties Detail Source code
  3. FolderGetContent Detail Source code
  4. FolderGetProperties Detail Source code
  5. FolderGetSubfolders Detail Source code
  6. JobControl Detail Source code
  7. JobCopy Detail Source code
  8. JobDefrag Detail Source code
  9. JobDelete Detail Source code
  10. JobGetIDs Detail Source code
  11. JobGetStatus Detail Source code
  12. JobMakeFolder Detail Source code
  13. JobMove Detail Source code
  14. JobRename Detail Source code
  15. JobRescan Detail Source code
  16. JobSearch Detail Source code
  17. JobSystemCall Detail Source code
  18. PeerGetAll Detail Source code
  19. PeerGetProperties Detail Source code
  20. PeerGetStatus Detail Source code


    Port type DvsSpycerWebservicePortType Source code

    1. ContentGetProperties
      Returns the properties (metadata) of a file or file sequence.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      ContentGetProperties (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type ContentGetProperties
      [ContentURL] --- The path and file name to content on a system in the notation {//<system>}/<path>/<file name>. For a file sequence the frame numbering should be specified in C notation (as e.g. in Hollywood_%05d.dpx).
      • ContentURL type anyURI
      ContentGetPropertiesResponse (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type ContentGetPropertiesResponse
      • ContentProperties type ContentProperties
        • ParentPath type string
        • Content type Content
          • ID type string
          • Type type ContentTypeEnum - type string with restriction - enum { 'CONTENT-UNKNOWN', 'CONTENT-VIDEO', 'CONTENT-AUDIO', 'CONTENT-CONTAINER', 'CONTENT-STILL' }
          • Metadata type ContentMetadata
            • Name type string
            • Path type string
            • Size type unsignedLong
            • Format type string
            • LastModified type dateTime
            • Defragmented type unsignedInt
            • Owner type string
            • Peer type string
            • Duration type string
            • FileCount type unsignedInt
            • Width type unsignedInt
            • Height type unsignedInt
            • Resolution type string
            • FrameRate type float
            • FrameCount type unsignedInt
            • FirstFrame type unsignedInt
            • LastFrame type unsignedInt
            • FieldMode type FieldModeEnum - type string with restriction - enum { 'FIELDMODE-UNKNOWN', 'FIELDMODE-PROGRESSIVE', 'FIELDMODE-INTERLACED', 'FIELDMODE-SEGMENTEDFRAME' }
            • FieldDominance type FieldDominanceEnum - type string with restriction - enum { 'FIELDDOMINANCE-UNKNOWN', 'FIELDDOMINANCE-ODD', 'FIELDDOMINANCE-EVEN' }
            • Range type RangeEnum - type string with restriction - enum { 'RANGE-UNKNOWN', 'RANGE-FULL', 'RANGE-HEAD' }
            • Gamma type GammaEnum - type string with restriction - enum { 'GAMMA-UNKNOWN', 'GAMMA-SMPTE125CCIR601', 'GAMMA-SMPTE274CCIR709', 'GAMMA-SMPTE240' }
            • ColorMode type ColorModeEnum - type string with restriction - enum { 'COLORMODE-UNKOWN', 'COLORMODE-RGB', 'COLORMODE-RGBA', 'COLORMODE-YUV', 'COLORMODE-YUVA', 'COLORMODE-XYZ' }
            • Sampling type unsignedInt
            • ColorDepth type unsignedInt
            • AlphaDepth type unsignedInt
            • ScreenWidth type unsignedInt
            • ScreenHeight type unsignedInt
            • AspectX type unsignedInt
            • AspectY type unsignedInt
            • AspectRatio type double
            • PixelRatio type double
            • VideoCodec type string
            • StartTimecode type string
            • EndTimecode type string
            • StartKeycode type string
            • EndKeycode type string
            • DropFrame type boolean
            • TcFrameRate type unsignedInt
            • ReelName type string
            • InputDeviceName type string
            • FilmGauge type string
            • SequenceInfoFpF type unsignedInt
            • AudioChannels type unsignedInt
            • AudioResolution type unsignedInt
            • AudioSamplingRate type unsignedInt
            • AudioSamples type unsignedLong
            • AudioCodec type string
            • ProductionCompany type string
            • ProductionTitle type string
            • ProductionDate type dateTime
            • ProductionCameraId type string
            • ProductionScene type string
            • ProductionShot type string
            • ProductionCameraReel type string
            • ProductionSoundReel type string
            • ProductionLabReel type string
            • ProductionCircleTake type boolean
            • ProductionScanFacility type string
            • ProductionOperator type string
            • ProductionScannerId type string
            • ProductionTransferDate type dateTime
            • ProductionDescription type string
            • ProductionComment type string
    2. ContentSetProperties
      Currently this command provides no functionality. It will set the properties (metadata) of a file or file sequence. Only the production metadata can be set.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      ContentSetProperties (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type ContentSetProperties
      [ContentURL] --- The path and file name to content on a system in the notation {//<system>}/<path>/<file name>. For a file sequence the frame numbering should be specified in C notation (as e.g. in Hollywood_%05d.dpx).

      [NewMetadata] --- The metadata to be set.

      • ContentURL type string
      • NewMetadata type string
      ContentSetPropertiesResponse (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type ContentSetPropertiesResponse
    3. FolderGetContent
      Returns the files stored in the specified folder and some of their metadata.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      FolderGetContent (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type FolderGetContent
      [FolderURL] --- A path leading to a directory on a system in the notation {//<system>}/<path>/.
      • FolderURL type anyURI
      FolderGetContentResponse (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type FolderGetContentResponse
      • FolderContent type FolderContent
        • ParentPath type string
        • FileList - optional, unbounded; type File
          • ID type string
          • Type type ContentTypeEnum - type string with restriction - enum { 'CONTENT-UNKNOWN', 'CONTENT-VIDEO', 'CONTENT-AUDIO', 'CONTENT-CONTAINER', 'CONTENT-STILL' }
          • Metadata type FileMetadata
            • Name type string
            • Path type string
            • Size type unsignedLong
            • Format type string
            • LastModified type dateTime
            • Defragmented type unsignedInt
            • Owner type string
            • Peer type string
    4. FolderGetProperties
      Returns information about the specified folder, such as its size and the number of files that are stored in it.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      FolderGetProperties (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type FolderGetProperties
      [FolderURL] --- A path leading to a directory on a system in the notation {//<system>}/<path>/.

      [Target] --- TARGET-DB (default) gets the data from the Spycer database if available. If it is not available, TARGET-FS will be performed. TARGET-FS gets the data from the file system. Depending on the amount of data in the folder, it may take some time to respond.

      [Timeout] --- The time in seconds that the web service will wait for an answer. Zero (0) (default) means no timeout.

      • FolderURL type anyURI
      • Target - optional; type PropertiesTarget - type string with restriction - enum { 'TARGET-UNKNOWN', 'TARGET-DB', 'TARGET-FS' }
      • Timeout - optional; type unsignedInt
      FolderGetPropertiesResponse (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type FolderGetPropertiesResponse
      • FolderProperties type FolderProperties
        • DiskSize type unsignedLong
        • DiskFreeSize type unsignedLong
        • DiskFileSystem type string
        • DiskName type string
        • Size type unsignedLong
        • FolderCount type unsignedLong
        • FileCount type unsignedLong
        • Created type dateTime
        • LastModified type dateTime
        • Owner type string
    5. FolderGetSubfolders
      Returns the subfolders available in the specified folder and some of their properties.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      FolderGetSubfolders (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type FolderGetSubfolders
      [FolderURL] --- A path leading to a directory on a system in the notation {//<system>}/<path>/.
      • FolderURL type anyURI
      FolderGetSubfoldersResponse (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type FolderGetSubfoldersResponse
      • FolderSubfolders type FolderSubfolders
        • ParentPath type string
        • FolderList - optional, unbounded; type Folder
          • ID type string
          • Name type string
          • Path type string
          • SubfolderCount type unsignedInt
          • ContentCount type unsignedInt
          • FileSystem type string
          • Status type string
          • Owner type string
    6. JobControl
      Pauses, resumes or cancels the specified job.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      JobControl (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobControl
      [JobID] --- The ID of the job.

      [JobControlType] --- The action that should be performed.

      • JobID type string
      • JobControlType type JobControlTypeEnum - type string with restriction - enum { 'JOBCONTROL-UNKNOWN', 'JOBCONTROL-CANCEL', 'JOBCONTROL-PAUSE', 'JOBCONTROL-RESUME' }
      JobControlResponse (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobControlResponse
    7. JobCopy
      Copies the specified file or folder from one location to another.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      JobCopy (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobCopy
      [FromURL] --- The source directory/file. Either a path or a path together with a file name in the notation {//<system>}/<path>/{<file name>}.

      [ToURL] --- The target directory. A path leading to a directory on a system in the notation {//<system>}/<path>/.

      [Overwrite] --- When set to false (default), already existing data will not be overwritten. In such a case, however, the job will not be terminated but paused only and must be cancelled manually. When set to true, already existing data will be overwritten if a file with the same name exists at the target location.

      • FromURL type anyURI
      • ToURL type anyURI
      • Overwrite - optional; type boolean
      JobCopyResponse (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobCopyResponse
      • JobID type string
    8. JobDefrag
      Defragments the specified drive, directory, file, or file sequence.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      JobDefrag (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobDefrag
      [TargetURL] --- The location/data to be defragmented. Either a path or a path together with a file name in the notation {//<system>}/<path>/{<file name>}. For a file sequence the frame numbering should be specified in C notation (as e.g. in Hollywood_%05d.dpx).
      • TargetURL type anyURI
      JobDefragResponse (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobDefragResponse
      • JobID type string
    9. JobDelete
      Deletes the specified file or folder physically from the storage (without undo or recycle bin).
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      JobDelete (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobDelete
      [TargetURL] --- The directory/file that should be deleted. Either a path or a path together with a file name in the notation {//<system>}/<path>/{<file name>}.
      • TargetURL type anyURI
      JobDeleteResponse (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobDeleteResponse
      • JobID type string
    10. JobGetIDs
      Returns all job IDs.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      JobGetIDs (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobGetIDs
      No parameters.
      JobGetIDsResponse (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobGetIDsResponse
      Peer IDs will be returned as attributes in the response XML.
      • JobIDList - optional, unbounded; type Job
          • PeerID - required; type string
    11. JobGetStatus
      Gets status information about the specified job.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      JobGetStatus (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobGetStatus
      [JobID] --- The ID of the job.
      • JobID type string
      JobGetStatusResponse (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobGetStatusResponse
      • JobStatus type JobStatus
        • ID type string
        • CreatorPeerName type string
        • CreatorPeerID type string
        • CreatorUserName type string
        • SrcPeerName type string
        • SrcPeerID type string
        • SrcPath type string
        • DestPeerName type string
        • DestPeerID type string
        • DestPath type string
        • Progress type int
        • TimeRemaining type string
        • TimeCreated type dateTime
        • TimeStart type dateTime
        • TimeFinished type dateTime
        • Additional type string
        • LastError type string
    12. JobMakeFolder
      Creates a new folder at the specified location.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      JobMakeFolder (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobMakeFolder
      [TargetURL] --- A path leading to a directory on a system in the notation {//<system>}/<path>/.

      [NewName] --- The name of the new folder.

      • TargetURL type anyURI
      • NewName type string
      JobMakeFolderResponse (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobMakeFolderResponse
      • JobID type string
    13. JobMove
      Moves the specified file or folder from one location to another.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      JobMove (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobMove
      [FromURL] --- The source directory/file. Either a path or a path together with a file name in the notation {//<system>}/<path>/{<file name>}.

      [ToURL] --- The target directory. A path leading to a directory on a system in the notation {//<system>}/<path>/.

      [Overwrite] --- When set to false (default), already existing data will not be overwritten. In such a case, however, the job will not be terminated but paused only and must be cancelled manually. When set to true, already existing data will be overwritten if a file with the same name exists at the target location.

      • FromURL type anyURI
      • ToURL type anyURI
      • Overwrite - optional; type boolean
      JobMoveResponse (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobMoveResponse
      • JobID type string
    14. JobRename
      Renames the specified folder, file or file sequence.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      JobRename (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobRename
      [TargetURL] --- The directory/file to be renamed. Either a path or a path together with a file name in the notation {//<system>}/<path>/{<file name>}. For a file sequence the frame numbering should be specified in C notation (as e.g. in Hollywood_%05d.dpx).

      [NewName] --- The new name for the folder/file.

      • TargetURL type anyURI
      • NewName type string
      JobRenameResponse (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobRenameResponse
      • JobID type string
    15. JobRescan
      Initiates a scan of the specified folder.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      JobRescan (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobRescan
      [TargetURL] --- A path leading to a directory on a system in the notation {//<system>}/<path>/.
      • TargetURL type anyURI
      JobRescanResponse (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobRescanResponse
      • JobID type string
    16. JobSearch
      Perfoms a search for files on the specified peer.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      JobSearch (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobSearch
      [Peer] --- Peer identifier, e.g. its IP address, DNS name or peer ID. If no peer is specified, the search will be made on the SOAP client. If NETWORK is specified, the complete SpycerNet will be searched.

      [Query] --- The parameters for the search. They have to be specified in XML:
      <query type="search"><condition><con meta="[searchtype]" op="[operator]" value="[string]"/></condition></query>
      [searchtype]: The type of the search (e.g. FileName, MissingFrames, ProductionDate, etc.).
      [operator]: HTML entity for less than, HTML entity for greater than, or =, as well as their combinations. For some search types != can be used. For string searches use =.
      [string]: The search string, use %% as wildcard.
      An AND search can be performed by specifying further <condition> elements in the <query> tag, an OR search can be performed by specifying further <con> elements in a <condition> tag.

      [MaxResults] --- The maximum number of search results that will be returned. Zero (0) (default) means all results.

      [Timeout] --- The time in seconds that the web service will wait for an answer. Zero (0) (default) means no timeout.

      • Peer - optional; type string
      • Query type string
      • MaxResults - optional; type unsignedInt
      • Timeout - optional; type unsignedInt
      JobSearchResponse (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobSearchResponse
      • SearchState type SearchStateEnum - type string with restriction - enum { 'SEARCHSTATE-UNKNOWN', 'SEARCHSTATE-COMPLETE', 'SEARCHSTATE-INCOMPLETE' }
      • Query type string
      • TotalResultsAvailable type unsignedInt
      • TotalResultsReturned type unsignedInt
      • FileList - optional, unbounded; type File
        • ID type string
        • Type type ContentTypeEnum - type string with restriction - enum { 'CONTENT-UNKNOWN', 'CONTENT-VIDEO', 'CONTENT-AUDIO', 'CONTENT-CONTAINER', 'CONTENT-STILL' }
        • Metadata type FileMetadata
          • Name type string
          • Path type string
          • Size type unsignedLong
          • Format type string
          • LastModified type dateTime
          • Defragmented type unsignedInt
          • Owner type string
          • Peer type string
    17. JobSystemCall
      For DVS internal use only.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      JobSystemCall (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobSystemCall
      • Peer type string
      • Command type string
      JobSystemCallResponse (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type JobSystemCallResponse
      • JobID type string
    18. PeerGetAll
      Returns all peers registered in the SpycerNet with their ID, host name and IP address.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      PeerGetAll (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type PeerGetAll
      No parameters.
      PeerGetAllResponse (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type PeerGetAllResponse
      • PeerList - optional, unbounded; type Peer
        • ID type string
        • HostName type string
        • IpAddress type string
    19. PeerGetProperties
      Returns information about a peer.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      PeerGetProperties (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type PeerGetProperties
      [Peer] --- Peer identifier, e.g. its IP address, DNS name or peer ID. If no peer is specified, information about the SOAP client will be returned.
      • Peer - optional; type string
      PeerGetPropertiesResponse (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type PeerGetPropertiesResponse
      The peer ID will be returned as an attribute in the response XML.
      • Info type PeerInfo
          • Uptime type string
          • Architecture type string
          • Cpu type string
          • Cores type unsignedShort
          • RAM type unsignedInt
          • OS type string
          • ProductVersion type string
          • ProductSpecial type string
          • IpAddress type string
          • User type string
        • PeerID - required; type string
    20. PeerGetStatus
      Returns status information of a peer.
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      PeerGetStatus (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type PeerGetStatus
      [Peer] --- Peer identifier, e.g. its IP address, DNS name or peer ID. If no peer is specified, the status information of the SOAP client will be returned.
      • Peer - optional; type string
      PeerGetStatusResponse (SOAP:body, use = literal, part = Security)Source code
      parameters type PeerGetStatusResponse
      • State type StateEnum - type string with restriction - enum { 'STATE-UNKNOWN', 'STATE-ONLINE', 'STATE-OFFLINE' }

WSDL source code

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<definitions name="DvsSpycerWebservice" targetNamespace="urn:dvs:webservices:spycer"
<schema targetNamespace="urn:dvs:webservices:spycer" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" >
<complexType name="PeerGetPropertiesResponse" >
<documentation> The peer ID will be returned as an attribute in the response XML.</documentation>
<complexType name="ContentMetadata" >
<sequence> </sequence>
<complexType name="JobGetIDsResponse" >
<documentation> Peer IDs will be returned as attributes in the response XML.</documentation>
<complexType name="JobStatus" > </complexType>
<complexType name="PeerGetAll" >
<documentation> No parameters.</documentation>
<complexType name="PeerGetProperties" >
<documentation> [Peer] --- Peer identifier, e.g. its IP address, DNS name or peer ID. If no peer is specified, information about the SOAP client will be returned.</documentation>
<complexType name="PeerGetStatus" >
<documentation> [Peer] --- Peer identifier, e.g. its IP address, DNS name or peer ID. If no peer is specified, the status information of the SOAP client will be returned.</documentation>
<complexType name="FolderGetSubfolders" >
<documentation> [FolderURL] --- A path leading to a directory on a system in the notation <code>{//&lt;system&gt;}/&lt;path&gt;/</code>.</documentation>
<complexType name="FolderGetContent" >
<documentation> [FolderURL] --- A path leading to a directory on a system in the notation <code>{//&lt;system&gt;}/&lt;path&gt;/</code>.</documentation>
<complexType name="FolderGetProperties" >
<documentation> [FolderURL] --- A path leading to a directory on a system in the notation <code>{//&lt;system&gt;}/&lt;path&gt;/</code>.<p>[Target] --- <code>TARGET-DB</code> (default) gets the data from the Spycer database if available. If it is not available, <code>TARGET-FS</code> will be performed. <code>TARGET-FS</code> gets the data from the file system. Depending on the amount of data in the folder, it may take some time to respond.</p><p>[Timeout] --- The time in seconds that the web service will wait for an answer. Zero (0) (default) means no timeout.</p></documentation>
<complexType name="ContentGetProperties" >
<documentation> [ContentURL] --- The path and file name to content on a system in the notation <code>{//&lt;system&gt;}/&lt;path&gt;/&lt;file name&gt;</code>. For a file sequence the frame numbering should be specified in C notation (as e.g. in <i>Hollywood_%05d.dpx</i>).</documentation>
<complexType name="ContentSetProperties" >
<documentation> [ContentURL] --- The path and file name to content on a system in the notation <code>{//&lt;system&gt;}/&lt;path&gt;/&lt;file name&gt;</code>. For a file sequence the frame numbering should be specified in C notation (as e.g. in <i>Hollywood_%05d.dpx</i>).<p>[NewMetadata] --- The metadata to be set.</p></documentation>
<complexType name="JobCopy" >
<documentation> [FromURL] --- The source directory/file. Either a path or a path together with a file name in the notation <code>{//&lt;system&gt;}/&lt;path&gt;/{&lt;file name&gt;}</code>.<p>[ToURL] --- The target directory. A path leading to a directory on a system in the notation <code>{//&lt;system&gt;}/&lt;path&gt;/</code>.</p><p>[Overwrite] --- When set to <code>false</code> (default), already existing data will not be overwritten. In such a case, however, the job will not be terminated but paused only and must be cancelled manually. When set to <code>true</code>, already existing data will be overwritten if a file with the same name exists at the target location.</p></documentation>
<complexType name="JobDelete" >
<documentation> [TargetURL] --- The directory/file that should be deleted. Either a path or a path together with a file name in the notation <code>{//&lt;system&gt;}/&lt;path&gt;/{&lt;file name&gt;}</code>.</documentation>
<complexType name="JobMove" >
<documentation> [FromURL] --- The source directory/file. Either a path or a path together with a file name in the notation <code>{//&lt;system&gt;}/&lt;path&gt;/{&lt;file name&gt;}</code>.<p>[ToURL] --- The target directory. A path leading to a directory on a system in the notation <code>{//&lt;system&gt;}/&lt;path&gt;/</code>.</p><p>[Overwrite] --- When set to <code>false</code> (default), already existing data will not be overwritten. In such a case, however, the job will not be terminated but paused only and must be cancelled manually. When set to <code>true</code>, already existing data will be overwritten if a file with the same name exists at the target location.</p></documentation>
<complexType name="JobRename" >
<documentation> [TargetURL] --- The directory/file to be renamed. Either a path or a path together with a file name in the notation <code>{//&lt;system&gt;}/&lt;path&gt;/{&lt;file name&gt;}</code>. For a file sequence the frame numbering should be specified in C notation (as e.g. in <i>Hollywood_%05d.dpx</i>).<p>[NewName] --- The new name for the folder/file.</p></documentation>
<complexType name="JobMakeFolder" >
<documentation> [TargetURL] --- A path leading to a directory on a system in the notation <code>{//&lt;system&gt;}/&lt;path&gt;/</code>.<p>[NewName] --- The name of the new folder.</p></documentation>
<complexType name="JobDefrag" >
<documentation> [TargetURL] --- The location/data to be defragmented. Either a path or a path together with a file name in the notation <code>{//&lt;system&gt;}/&lt;path&gt;/{&lt;file name&gt;}</code>. For a file sequence the frame numbering should be specified in C notation (as e.g. in <i>Hollywood_%05d.dpx</i>).</documentation>
<complexType name="JobSearch" >
<documentation> [Peer] --- Peer identifier, e.g. its IP address, DNS name or peer ID. If no peer is specified, the search will be made on the SOAP client. If <code>NETWORK</code> is specified, the complete SpycerNet will be searched.<p>[Query] --- The parameters for the search. They have to be specified in XML:<br /><code>&lt;query type="search"&gt;&lt;condition&gt;&lt;con meta="[searchtype]" op="[operator]" value="[string]"/&gt;&lt;/condition&gt;&lt;/query&gt;</code><br />[searchtype]: The type of the search (e.g. <code>FileName</code>, <code>MissingFrames</code>, <code>ProductionDate</code>, etc.).<br />[operator]: HTML entity for less than, HTML entity for greater than, or <code>=</code>, as well as their combinations. For some search types <code>!=</code> can be used. For string searches use <code>=</code>.<br />[string]: The search string, use <code>%%</code> as wildcard.<br />An AND search can be performed by specifying further &lt;condition&gt; elements in the &lt;query&gt; tag, an OR search can be performed by specifying further &lt;con&gt; elements in a &lt;condition&gt; tag.</p><p>[MaxResults] --- The maximum number of search results that will be returned. Zero (0) (default) means all results.</p><p>[Timeout] --- The time in seconds that the web service will wait for an answer. Zero (0) (default) means no timeout.</p></documentation>
<complexType name="JobRescan" >
<documentation> [TargetURL] --- A path leading to a directory on a system in the notation <code>{//&lt;system&gt;}/&lt;path&gt;/</code>.</documentation>
<complexType name="JobGetIDs" >
<documentation> No parameters.</documentation>
<!-- operation response element -->
<!-- operation response element -->
<!-- operation response element -->
<!-- operation response element -->
<!-- operation response element -->
<!-- operation response element -->
<!-- operation response element -->
<!-- operation response element -->
<!-- operation response element -->
<!-- operation response element -->
<!-- operation response element -->
<!-- operation response element -->
<!-- operation response element -->
<!-- operation response element -->
<!-- operation response element -->
<!-- operation response element -->
<!-- operation response element -->
<!-- operation response element -->
<!-- operation response element -->
<!-- operation response element -->
<portType name="DvsSpycerWebservicePortType" >
<operation name="PeerGetAll" >
<documentation> Returns all peers registered in the SpycerNet with their ID, host name and IP address.</documentation>
<operation name="FolderGetProperties" >
<documentation> Returns information about the specified folder, such as its size and the number of files that are stored in it.</documentation>
<operation name="FolderGetSubfolders" >
<documentation> Returns the subfolders available in the specified folder and some of their properties.</documentation>
<operation name="FolderGetContent" >
<documentation> Returns the files stored in the specified folder and some of their metadata.</documentation>
<operation name="ContentSetProperties" >
<documentation> Currently this command provides no functionality. It will set the properties (metadata) of a file or file sequence. Only the production metadata can be set.</documentation>
<operation name="JobCopy" >
<documentation> Copies the specified file or folder from one location to another.</documentation>
<operation name="JobDelete" >
<documentation> Deletes the specified file or folder physically from the storage (without undo or recycle bin).</documentation>
<operation name="JobMove" >
<documentation> Moves the specified file or folder from one location to another.</documentation>
<operation name="JobRename" >
<documentation> Renames the specified folder, file or file sequence.</documentation>
<operation name="JobDefrag" >
<documentation> Defragments the specified drive, directory, file, or file sequence.</documentation>
<operation name="JobSearch" >
<documentation> Perfoms a search for files on the specified peer.</documentation>
<binding name="DvsSpycerWebserviceBinding" type="tns:DvsSpycerWebservicePortType" > </binding>
<service name="DvsSpycerWebservice" >
<documentation> This document provides a reference to all commands supported by the web service DvsSpycerWebservice. The commands allow you to access the top-level functionality of DVS's content management application Spycer via SOAP (Build date: 2009/06/25).<p>The web service expects the commands in XML format. The XML as well as the data to be sent are case-sensitive.</p><p>When sending predefined control strings (restricted strings), you may, instead of sending the string, send the enumeration constant (enum const) as detailed in the WSDL source code (see "source code" links).</p></documentation>

Imported Schema oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd