STORNEXT/Windows Client Configurator can't see the name server

Robert Leong -

From Quantum SR1597226

Per our phone conversation I mentioned I suspected you ran into an issue where windows host had ipv6 enabled. It sometimes has issues establishing a port connection with the fsnameserver.

There is a bug “(42532 - when BindSame() recreate a ipv4 socket it assume TCP and does not set SO_REUSEADDR)” in the release of the windows client you are running that you may have encountered and will be addressed in future release. Use the bug number to identify in the next client release release notes if this is addressed.

Recommend you implement this change on your windows client proactively or next time you have an issue connecting to fsnameserver. Restart the client after implementing the workaround below.

You need to move the port used by stornext to a section that is not been used
by other programs. You can run command “netstat –anob” to get an idea of the ports being used then increment by 1000 and or use use those ports in fsport file.

1. Create a file in “C:\Program Files\StorNext\config\” called fsports.
WARNING the fsports file must NOT have a .txt extension.

Add the two entries below to the file if these ports are not being used, otherwise use your own designated ports as a result determined from netstat command output mentioned earlier.
MinPort 52000
MaxPort 52100

2. Restart the client.


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