SpycerBox Clients not able to see LUNs after changing fiber ports
*WARNING* this will interrupt all communication to all SAN clients, meaning, the SAN will "go down" or be unavailable! Be sure all Clients unmount the volume, stop their StorNext service, or shutdown.
Also, if users are using the SpycerBox via Samba, NFS, or Spycer, stop their connections or stop the services on the SpycerBox:
service smb stop
service nfs stop
service spyceragent stop
The following two sections will STOP then START the Target Driver on the SpycerBox...
Steps to STOP the Target Ports on the SpycerBox:
- In a web browser go to the IP of the SpycerBox (using HTTPS):
- ex,
- accept the self signed certificate
- Login username = admin
- login password = [the root password]
- Select "Fibre Channel" from the menu on the left
- Select "[Stop FibreChannel Targets]"
- Once done it should show a static page that says "Removing startup script ..." at the end
The Targets are now NOT being served through fibre and any client relying on the LUNs being present will be effected! Please see the note at the bottom regarding SpycerBox Extensions.
*Steps to START the Target Ports on the SpycerBox:
- Select "Fibre Channel" from the menu on the left
- The page now gives radio-buttons with choices of how many ports to use as targets or initiators.
- In most cases choose 4 targets, however, if using a SpycerBox *Expansion or other SAN that the SpycerBox connects to you will need to choose another option
- Click the "Start Targets" button
- Once done it should show a static page that says "Creating startup script ..." at the end
- Select "Fibre Channel" from the menu on the left
- Active SCSI Targets
Name Size(MB) Block size Options File name
sb_data0 3999727 512 BIO /dev/sda
sb_data1 3999727 512 BIO /dev/sdd
sb_data2 3999727 512 BIO /dev/sde - The page should now show the LUNs being presented.
If you stopped the sharing services on the SpycerBox prior to starting, don't forget to start them again:
service smb start
service nfs start
service spyceragent start
*NOTE: If a SpycerBox Expansion or other additional storage LUNs are being used by SpycerBox to make the StorNext FileSystem you will need to stop the LUNs on the Primary storage first and start it last. For SpycerBox and SpycerBox Extension: connect to both SpycerBoxes and do steps 1-4 of the "STOP" section on the Primary SpycerBox first (the one serving the volume either via StorNext or SMB/NFS/Spycer), followed by doing steps 1-4 of the "STOP" section on the Secondary SpycerBox second. Once both are stopped in the correct order you will need to do steps 1-4 of the "START" section on the Secondary SpycerBox first, followed by doing steps 1-4 of the "START" section on the Primary SpycerBox second.
Additionally, if more than one SpycerBox is being used (SpycerBox Expansion or just two on the same fiber) it is advised to change the SpycerBox ID. See Knowledge Base Article http://support.dvsus.com/entries/21713668-changing-the-spycerbox-id.