Type 1 and 2 should not co-exist in same JBOD, use both of the same type.
Type 2 is a newer version.
In a mixed type 1 and 2 setup, type 1 have a slow failover ramp up if type 2 fails, causing power interruption to the entire JBOD.
In a both type 1 setup, you can replace a failed type 1 with type 2, ensure type 2 is up and operational, then remove the other type 1, replace it with type 2.
Type 1 PSU - DDN PN FRU-60S-PS:
-Serial number starting with 'CATEC'
-Metal latch power cable retention
-LED silkscreen wraps around Power Switch
-9900 'ses show=121x' or 6620/10k 'show power_supply' shows serial number starting with 'CATEC'
Type 2 PSU - DDN PN FRU-60S-PS3:
-Serial number starting with 'THDEL'
-Plastic strap power cable retention
-LED silkscreen is horizontal bar above Power Switch
-9900 'ses show=121x' or 6620/10k 'show power_supply' shows serial number starting with 'THDEL'
- P/N PWR-00028-02-A
Additional note on "ses show" and "ses show=121?":
'showall' gathers controller side info it does not retrieve all the enclosure info, must use "ses showall" AND "ses show=121?" to get ALL enclosure info. Only one controller is used for ses, typically it is the frist controller in a dual configuration. Only need to retrieve from one controller.
ses showall ses show=121a ses show=121b ses show=121c ses show=121d ses show=121e ses show=121f ses show=121g ses show=121h ses show=121p ses show=121s
The Power Supply SNs are highlight to show it is type 1.
S2A 9900[1]: ses show=121a
Information about SES module at 121A
Power Supply : 02 0x00
Power Supply 1 : OK
Power Supply 1 : Location: PSU 1
Power Supply 1 : PN: PWR-00028-01-A
Power Supply 1 : SN: CATEC00094MVF034
Power Supply 1 : FW Version: 5
Power Supply 2 : CRITICAL Failure
Power Supply 2 : Failure Indicator Set
Power Supply 2 : DC Overvoltage Clear
Power Supply 2 : DC Undervoltage Clear
Power Supply 2 : DC Overcurrent Clear
Power Supply 2 : Over Temperature Clear
Power Supply 2 : Temperature Warning Clear
Power Supply 2 : AC Power Fail Set
Power Supply 2 : DC Power Fail Set
Power Supply 2 : Location: PSU 2
Power Supply 2 : PN: PWR-00028-01-A
Power Supply 2 : SN: CATEC00094MVF035
Power Supply 2 : FW Version: 5