"showall" for DDN SFA controllers

Robert Leong -

This is the "showall" to get the logs for SFA class DDN controllers, they are 6620, 7700, 10K, 12K.  There is no actual "showall" command like in the S2A9900, so a list of discrete commands are required.

show sub fault
show sub fault all
show sub sum
show sub sum all
show enclosure
show enclosure all
show ups all
ui show email
ui show snmp_trap_agent all
ui show snmp_agent all
ui show syslog
app show sub fault
app show sub fault all
app show presentation
app show initiator
app show discovered_initiator
app show sub all


For historical retention, the previous 'showall' are being kept here for now:

Capture the session to log the info, SSH into the 1st controller.

show controller * all
show enclosure * all
show pd * all
show fan * all
show power * all
show temperature * all 
show ups * all

The "* all" specifies everything and all info, specific identifier can be used to get info of a specific controller:
ex: “show controller * all” vs “show controller 0 all” will be all controllers vs just controller 0.

And then do the following from both controllers:

Show Sub Sum
App Show Sub Sum
App Show Channel
App Show Stack
App Show Presentation
App Show Initiator
App Show Discovered_init

 Please compress the session log and send it to us.

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