How to stop a HA StorNext filesystem

Robert Leong -

How to stop a StorNext filesystem in a multiple filesystem environment.

This procedure shows a HA MDS setup (two MDSs, one as active the other as standby).

To stop a StorNext filesystem:

1. umount the filesystem you want to remove from both MDSs and all clients.

2. On one of the MDS open a terminal and run cvadmin, this will produce a list of all the running StorNext filesystems,
     note the index number to the left and also the existence of the * just before the name of the filesystem name.  See example here.


File System Services (* indicates service is in control of FS):

1>*creative[0]          located on (pid 20181)
2>*video1[0]            located on (pid 20180)
3>*edit[0]              located on (pid 20182)
4> creative[1]          located on (pid 21154)
5> video1[1]            located on (pid 21148)
6> edit[1]              located on (pid 21156) 


3. You should see each filesystem listed two times, one has a * by the filesystem name, the other does not.
     The * signifies that it is active and the one without the * is standby, the right side of the list shows which MDS is in controller of it.

4.  Locate the filesystem you want to stop WITHOUT the *, note the index number.  This is the standby filesystem which we will stop first.

5.  To stop a filesystem, enter 'stop #', the # is the index number identified above.

6.  IMPORTANT - Type 'select' to refresh the list, as the index table would have changed.

7.  Locate the filesystem again but this time WITH the *, note the index number and then 'stop #'.

8.  Type 'select' again to confirm the filesystem has stopped (no longer listed).

9.  Type 'exit' to exit cvadmin.

10. The selected filesystem is now stopped, you can turn off or disconnect the hardware related to it.

11.  If the filesystem is to be left offline then you should update the /usr/cvfs/config/fsmlist and /etc/fstab so subsequent reboots of the MDSs would not generate errors.

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