From a Linux system you can use the "script" command to record all the outputs to the terminal, this would include the telnet session to log the DDN S2A9900 output.
- open a Terminal window
- type "script" followed by the path to where you would like to save the file (ex: script /root/DVS/showall-DDN1.txt) You want to name the file with a unique name between the two controllers if you have a couplet.
- telnet to the associated DDN controller and run the following commands:
faults dual showall ses showall ses show=121a ses show=121b ses show=121c ses show=121d ses show=121e ses show=121f ses show=121g ses show=121h ses show=121p ses show=121s exit
S2A2 (if exists):
faults dual showall exit
- once the telnet session has ended type "exit" again to close the "script" logging
- zip the file(s) and send the log file(s) in to us.