cvgather - gathering StorNext logs

Robert Leong -


What to collect:

  • If a problem is on your MDC only (StorNext server), we will need to have:
    • a "cvgather" for the MDC with SNFS only
  • If a problem is on your MDC HA pair, and failovers have occurred, we will need to have:
    • a "cvgather" from both MDCs for SNFS only|
  • If a problem is on a StorNext client, we will need to have:
    • a "cvgather" from that client

To generate a cvgather (MDC and/or client):

  • For StorNext versions 3.x and 4.x:
    • Windows (cmd.exe prompt) - C:\program files\stornext\bin\cvgather -f [file system name]
    • UNIX/Linux - /usr/cvfs/bin/cvgather -f [file system name]

      where [file system name] is the actual file system name the way it shows in cvadmin. It is case sensitive.

  • Zip the output file and send to support.


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