SNFS Linux Client install (CentOS and Redhat 64 bit)

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Editor's note:

Sections 3 and 4 needs further description.  StorNext 5 involves more rpms.


*** This install guide assumes version 4.3.X or higher***

1. Download the appropriate version installers.

Find the installer that fits your client.

For example, if we are using 4.3.0, and our client is Redhat 6.2 64 bit, then the installer we are interested in is:


2. Run the installer. It will ask you to confirm their T&C and then will extract the .rpm files to /tmp/stornext.

As this is a .bin file, it needs to be run. If you have GUI, simply double click on it. if going through CLI, navigate to the location you downloaded it, and run it there (./snfs_client_RedHat50AS_26x86_64.bin)

3. Navigate to that directory.

There should be 2 .rpm files. One is the core file, and needs to be installed first (it's the one that does NOT have "client" in the name).

4. Install the files, using this command:

rpm -Uvh ./SNFS_CORE_FILE.rpm

(replace the "SNFS_CORE_FILE.rpm with the correct filename)

And follow that with:

rpm -Uvh ./SNFS_CLIENT_FILE.rpm

*** When trying to install the files, it may complain that selinux must be turned off. It needs to be off for the program to work correctly***

5. Once the installer is complete, navigate to /usr/cvfs/config. You will need to create a file in there called fsnameservers. In that fsnameservers file, put the IP(s) of you Metadata server(s).

6. You will then need to create a mount point (usually in /mount/your_folder or /media/your_folder) and if you want it to automount after reboot, you will need to add a line in the /etc/fstab file to specify that.


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