This article applies to DDN SFA 12K, 10K, 7700 and 6620 line of storage systems.
The log output example below are in its original chronological order but it is broken up into sections for clarify. Some extraneous info were removed to further enhance readability.
The entire unmodified output is available at the bottom as a .txt download.
This example has a failed drive, spare drive pool and auto reassign enabled.
There is no way to capture the serial number of the failed disk from the log if the log is captured after the drive had failed. If there is access to a previous log then you can use the ID (ID:0x5000cca057470dd8 in this example) of the drive and search from a previous log to get the drive's serial number.
Dissecting the log
Drive failure detected, Pool and PD (Physical Disk) state changed.
The failed disk was PD (Physical Disk) index number is 552, in Pool 59 of member index number 6, enclosure 1 disk slot 37.
The Pool state was changed to degraded.
PD state changed to missing
2014-10-07 07:47:26 STATE PHYSICAL DISK PD:00552 DISAPPEARED ID:0x5000cca057470dd8 POOL:00059 MEMBER_INDEX:0006 ENCLOSURE:00001 DISK SLOT:00037 2014-10-07 07:47:26 STATE POOL:00059 CHANGED STATE:DGRADED 2014-10-07 07:47:26 STATE POOL:00059 MEMBER CHANGE ID:0x5000cca057470dd8 PHYSICAL DISK PD:00552 MEMBER_INDEX:00006 STATE:MISSING
Spare and rebuild
Spare disk was assigned and rebuild started.
Spare disk PD 972 from Spare Pool 98 was selected and assigned to Pool 59.
Rebuild started, the drive is in enclosure 1 disk slot 77.
2014-10-07 07:57:29 STATE SPARE PHYSICAL DISK PD:00972 REMOVED ID:0x5000cca057460124 FROM POOL:00098 ENCLOSURE:00001 DISK SLOT:00077 2014-10-07 07:57:29 STATE POOL:00059 MEMBER CHANGE ID:0x5000cca057460124 PHYSICAL DISK PD:00972 MEMBER_INDEX:00006 STATE:REBUILD 2014-10-07 07:57:29 STATE PHYSICAL DISK PD:00972 REBUILD STARTED ID:0x5000cca057460124 POOL:00059 MEMBER_INDEX:0006 LBA_FENCE:0 ENCLOSURE:00001 DISK SLOT:00077
Rebuild completes
Rebuild completed, pool state changed to normal.
2014-10-07 09:32:31 STATE PHYSICAL DISK PD:00972 REBUILD COMPLETED ID:0x5000cca057460124 POOL:00059 MEMBER_INDEX:0006 STATUS STS:JS_GBL_SUCCESS 2014-10-07 09:32:31 STATE POOL:00059 CHANGED STATE:NORMAL 2014-10-07 09:32:31 STATE POOL:00059 MEMBER CHANGE ID:0x5000cca057460124 PHYSICAL DISK PD:00972 MEMBER_INDEX:00006 STATE:NORMAL