StorNext label overwritten

Robert Leong -

Info form Quantum knowledge base:  (might require a valid StorNext serial number to view)

The article reproduced here:

  1. Redirect the output of “cvlabel –c” to a file (this will be the label file).
  2. Edit the label file.
    • Remove all lines that do not contain “CvfsDisk_UNKNOWN”
    • Note the serial number(s) of the remaining entry/entries.
  3. Search for the serial number(s) noted above in the nss debug logs (/usr/cvfs/debug/nssdbg.out*)
    • Sample entry:
    • 0x2b1a39f98af0 NOTICE PortMapper: CVFS Volume twodata1 on device: /dev/mapper/mpath8 (blk 0xfd08 raw 0xfd08)  con: 4 lun: 4 state: 0x400204 inquiry [LSI     INF-01-00       0780] controller # '20020080E51F9D90' serial # '60080E50001F9D90000005074F5DC07F' Size: 5859464068 Sector Size: 512
  4. If the serial number is not found, that device has not been part of an SNFS file system. Remove the corresponding line (the line containing the serial number that was not found) from the label file.
  5. Note the label from the nss debug entry. In the case above, the label is “twodata1”.
  6. Replace “CvfsDisk_UNKNOWN” in the label file with the label found from the nss debug log.
  7. Save the label file.
  8. Run cvlabel against the label file: cvlabel <label file name>

Additional notes

After the label repair -

Will need to do data integrity testing like MD5s to make sure we don't have a data corruption issue.

The label was likely overwritten by a disk format program, typically this is by accident and default formats are quick type formats that just update the label area of the disk, so this posts no data corruption issues.  However if the format was a zero all or a "deep" erase then there would be data corruption, and the extent of the corruption would depend on the length the format ran.

There is no way to identify which machine did the format, and no way to easily identify which files might be corrupted.

The best preventative measure against this is to remove all disk format utility accesses from all Fibre connected clients thus not able to do any disk / USB drive formats on them.  Only do formats on computers that are not Fibre connected to the SAN.

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