Unofficial configuration by Apple and Quantum.
StorNext 5.1 and MacOS X Yosemite (10.10)
(works with StorNext 4.x also)
To maintain plagiary consistency I am keeping the title exactly the same, although it says StorNext 5.1 this content applies to StorNext 4.x also.
Original source: (login required)
Excerpts plus additional comments:
Confirm you can ping and cvlabel the LUNs, otherwise even if this procedure is done correctly the volume would still not mount:
Open a terminal and login as admin
sudo su
Make sure you have your automount.plist, config.plist, fsnameservers files from 10.9 inside the follow folder.
cd /Library/Preferences/Xsan/
ls -al
Make sure the permissions of the directory and files in the folder matches the local root (admin) user.
chown root:wheel /Library/Preferences/Xsan/
Force reload Xsan with
launchctl load -w -F /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
Notice the -w and -F, if you use the previous default command without those two it won't work.
The version on the MDC doesn't matter for that exercise as we talk about the OS/X client. In other words, yes it will work with SNFS 4.3.x.
Another workaround if you have an OS/X 10.9 client is to copy the/System/Library/PreferencePanes/Xsan.prefpane to the same place on the 10.10 client.
After that you are good to mount the volume.
We actually were able to make it work with the "launchctl load -w -F /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/" command just fine. And I'm told that if you can pull the Xsan prefpane from 10.9 and drop it into Yosemite to make it work.
StorNext V4.4 & OS X 10.10
Original source:
Posted by John on December 1, 2014 at 7:12am in COMMUNITY SUPPORT
Hello Quantum,
I saw a similar post, but wanted to add my iteration.
Recently the new Mac Pro ships only with OS X 10.10. The system preferences pane for XSan is completely removed. The XSan directly still exists in the System Library, however, the daemon file is missing.
Any word on compatibility AND configuration for this new OS?
Reply by Eva Morrell on December 1, 2014 at 12:28pm
The Xsan system preferences is gone. Xsan is now configured via configuration profiles:
The updated Xsan-StorNext compatibility matrix that includes Yosemite will be posted as soon as the testing has been completed.
Reply by Heiner Lesaar on December 20, 2014 at 2:59am
We've tested OSX 10.10 with Stornext 4.3.x onwards, so it is not even necessary to have Stornext 5, but be informed that it seems as if Apple is not supporting it officially at the moment (at least from what I see in the compatibility matrix)