DDN DirectMon patch

Robert Leong -


DM Patch: https://sync.ddn.com/home/link/browser?l=0000000003P000UKBTABC%5Cn4Y%5DmQU%3F%5DdWR%3BhV%3EdW8c8 

1. Copy patch to the DirectMon server (DM- in /root/Downloads directory 
2. Go to /root/Downloads directory and unzip the patch. 
$ unzip DM- 

3. Go to the patch folder 
$ cd patch 

4. Run fab apply command to apply patch changes. When you do, you will see the following output. 
[root@DirectmonCht patch]# fab apply 
/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pycrypto-2.6-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/Crypto/Util/number.py:57: PowmInsecureWarning: Not using mpz_powm_sec. You should rebuild using libgmp >= 5 to avoid timing attack vulnerability. 
[localhost] local: cat changelog 
DE25055, DE25304 and DE25893 patch 

Fixes 3 issues: 
* DE25304 - Sending empty checkfault reports 
* DE25055 - Unable to collect SFA data message in Daily report 
* DE25893 - Gaps in GS metrics - Dependent on GS defect DE25406 
[DirectmonCht] run: cp /cm/local/ddn/dm/sfa/checkfaults.py /cm/local/ddn/dm/sfa/checkfaults.py.2016-04-15T10:58:44.617411.back 
[DirectmonCht] put: data/checkfaults.py -> /cm/local/ddn/dm/sfa/checkfaults.py 
[DirectmonCht] run: cp /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/DDN_DirectMon-2.4.0-py2.6.egg/ddn/dm/sfa/common.py /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/DDN_DirectMon-2.4.0-py2.6.egg/ddn/dm/sfa/common.py.2016-04-15T10:58:44.617411.back 
[DirectmonCht] put: data/common.py -> /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/DDN_DirectMon-2.4.0-py2.6.egg/ddn/dm/sfa/common.py 
[localhost] local: cd gs_api; python update_gs_api.py 
update head node... 
'scp /root/Downloads/patch/gs_api/update_metric_path.sh root@DirectmonCht:/cm/local/ddn/dm/scripts/update_metric_path.sh' executed on host DirectmonCht successfully. 
'scp /root/Downloads/patch/gs_api/gsapiNSDReport_2.4.0.py root@DirectmonCht:/cm/local/ddn/dm/gridscaler/gsapiNSDReport.py' executed on host DirectmonCht successfully. 
Waiting for CMDaemon (2804) to terminate... [ OK ] 
Waiting for CMDaemon to start... [ OK ] 

'scp /root/Downloads/patch/gs_api/ddn-gs-api-3.1.0-r11.noarch.rpm root@L1-7700-1:/root/ddn-gs-api-3.1.0-r11.noarch.rpm' executed on host L1-7700-1 successfully. 
Manually copy updated files to remote host: L1-7700-1 
'scp lock.py root@L1-7700-1:/opt/ddn/api/gs/oldapi/lock.py' executed on host L1-7700-1 successfully. 
'scp directmon.py root@L1-7700-1:/opt/ddn/api/gs/oldapi/directmon.py' executed on host L1-7700-1 successfully. 
'scp get_nsd_data.py root@L1-7700-1:/opt/ddn/gs/scripts/get_nsd_data.py' executed on host L1-7700-1 successfully. 
GS API has been updated successfully. 

Disconnecting from DirectmonCht... done. 
5. Reboot DirectMon server using reboot command 

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