Multi-Device setup - Cable and config

Robert Leong -

For ganging two Clipster/Fuze/Pronto/etc... together to play stereo video output (Multi-Device).

Before starting:

  • A Multi-Device cable will be required.
  • A Y cable (DB15 to 2xDB9) might be required.
  • The machines must be licensed for Multi-Device.


On each machine, start the Clipster application and drop a clip to the timeline, adjust both clips to about the same length.

Designate which will be the Master and which will be the Slave, on both machines click the Config... tab at the bottom, select Defaults tab and then Vtr, with the Multi-device drop down box select Master or Slave, click OK when complete.  If there is no Multi-device drop down box, then the unit is not licensed, see below.

On both machines, at the bottom of the preview window, select the Slave tab, the Slave mode window opens.

On the Master, in the Slave mode window, select the loop button so the playback will loop during our setup, then press play to play the clip.

The Master will play and when the cabling is connected correctly the Slave will start playing also, the Slave is now controlled by the Master.


A Multi-Device cable is needed to connect the two machines, see below for wiring details if you have to make your own or contact us to purchase the cable.

A Y cable might be needed, this cable comes supplied with the machine if it is equipped with a AUX 1-2 15-pin port, it is a DB15 to 2xDB9 cable, it connects to the 15-pin AUX 1-2 port, the cable provides two DB9 connections, they are labeled RMT IN and RMT OUT, do not confuse this with the RMT IN and RMT OUT that is on the back panel.

For Clipster to Clipster with at least one equipped with a 15-pin AUX 1-2 port -
On the Master only, connect the Y cable to the AUX 1-2 port (Slave does not need the Y cable), connect the Multi-Device cable from the Master's Y cabel RMT OUT to the Slave's RMT IN.  The Slave will being to play if all is configured and wired correctly.  If not, switch the Y cable RMT OUT to RMT IN on the Master and see if that works.  Basically try all combinations of RMT IN/OUT on the Master/Slave.  Just do one change at a time and observing the behavior on the Slave with each change.

For Fuze to Fuze with only RMT In / RMT Out ports (no AUX 1-2) -
If a Fuze is to be the Master, an internal ribbon cable must be relocated.   Located on the DigiLab card inside the Fuze, along the top edge of the card move the ribbon cable from the RS422 A/B connector to the RS422 C/D connector.  This changes the external RMT In / RMT Out connection to AUX 1-2.  Do this only for the Master, no changes on the Slave.

For Pronto to Clipster/Fuze -
Clispter as the Master: Use the Y cable on the Clipster, use the Multi-Device cable and connect the Y cable's RMT OUT to Pronto RMT IN.  If that does not work try all combinations of RMT IN/OUT on the Master/Slave.

Pronto as Master: Use the Y cable on the Clipster, connect the Multi-Device cable to the Y cable's RMT IN to Pronto RMT OUT.  If that does not work, move to the Y cable RMT IN.

License option:

For Multi-Device to operate, it must be licensed on the machine, to find out:

Close the Clipster application, start DVSConf (All Programes > DVS > Maintenance), Card 0 tab, Setup button > Info Lincense.  In the lower windows, scroll down and look for the existance of option "Licence: Clipster-MultiDevice".

If it does not exist then the machine is not licensed for Multi-Device and there will be no Multi-device drop menu in the Vtr config menu.

Multi-Device cable wiring spec:

Male connectors (DB9) are needed on the cable, the Clipsters/Fuze/Pronto are female.

You must create a RS422 Sony 9 pin ( twisted ) style cable, here are the pin outs.

1->1, 2->8, 3->7, 4->4, 5->5, 6->6, 7->3, 8->2, 9-->9


Additional notes:

Master / Slave ( Cine4K 5U chassis & Clipster 4U chassis )

 Both systems on Windows 7


Set Master / slave in config / VTR mode
Must have multidevice license key on both systems


RMT IN ( MUST use 15 pigtail cable RS422 cable )

RMT IN ( ** NOT using 15 pin pigtail cable ** )
AUX 2 port

 Additional resources:

RS-422 NULL Cable

Currently a pin converting cable is required to use device control converters as device emulator converters.  This cable will only work with a 'fully wired' RS232-422 converter such as the B&B above.  Many low cost converters only include a single 422 balancing circuit.  This works fine for VTR control as the VTR sees the balanced serial properly, but with the NULL cable, the device no longer sees the balanced signal.


RS422C Pin


RS422D Pin

1 Frame Ground 1
2 RD A -, Receive A Minus 8
3 TD B +, Transmit B Plus 7
4 Transmit Common 6
5 No Connect 5
6 Receive Common 4
7 RD B +, Receive B Plus 3
8 TD A -, Transmit A Minus 2
9 Frame Ground 9

RS-422 Null Wiring

Comtrol Cable User Guide


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