Applying Venice license using the GUI

Robert Leong -

or see Applying Venice license using the CLI


Applying Venice license using the GUI


Use the DVS Control Panel:

  1. Do this on the Venice server not from a remote client.
  2. Create or Copy the license file to the Venice
  3. From the Desktop console or through VNC do the following
  4. Applications > Sound & Video > DVS Control Panel
  5. At the top of the window use Board ID: (dropdown) to select the card S/N associated with the license
  6. Toward the bottom of the window choose the License tab
  7. Click on the current license and choose Delete license.  *note: you can save a copy of the license before deletion when prompted
  8. Now choose Add license... and select the location of the downloaded license file
  9. Click OK at the bottom right of the window to close the application
  10. Restart the VENICE service (service venice restart) or reboot the system
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