Applying Venice / Venice S license using the CLI

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Venice license installation

The installation of the license will happen trough the svram commands. But this command applies to one card only at a time. With the 'export...' command you can select the single cards.

Here is the recommended procedure:

  1. copy/create the license files to/on the Venice.
  2. stop Venice: service venice stop
  3. cd /opt/DVS/Driver/bin
  4. use the export PCISTUDIO=PCI,card:0 command to select the first board.
  5. use the following command to check the s/n and license of the board where the svram command currently applies to: ./svram license show
  6. install the related license for the s/n which is shown in the output of the above mentioned command using the following command: 
  7. ./svram license keyfile1 [PATH/LICENSEFILE] (e.g. svram license keyfile1 /root/Desktop/lic23100268.txt)
  8. check with ./svram license show if the license has been installed successfully.
  9. use the export PCISTUDIO=PCI,card:1 command to select the second board.
  10. repeat step 5) to 8)
  11. use the export PCISTUDIO=PCI,card:2 command to select the third board.
  12. repeat step 5) to 8)
  13. use the export PCISTUDIO=PCI,card:3 command to select the fourth board.
  14. repeat step 5) to 8)
  15. Start Venice service venice start

STAN specifics:

Card used for STAN could be using a different driver which must use the matching svram.
/opt/DVS/Driver/bin/svram (default Venice driver)
/opt/DVS/SDKOEM/linux-x86/bin/svram (STAN is an OEM addon)
/opt/DVS/SDKOEM/linux-x86_64/bin/svram (or this)

Use lsmod | grep dvsdriver to see what drivers are installed, dvsdriver is the default, any extra are OEM.
Use locate svram to locate the paths of the various svram programs.

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