Create a DVSInfo in Linux (Venice)

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For Linux (Venice / SpycerBox / MDS)

As root from a terminal (command line) type the following:

[root@venice~]# /opt/DVS/Driver/bin/dvsinfo 

Which will launch the DVSInfo application and will look something like this:

[root@venice~]# /opt/DVS/Driver/bin/dvsinfo 

Welcome to the DVS PCI Videocard Information Program

This program is to be used for diagnose problems
with the installation of the DVS videocards in your
computer. With this program you can see the PCI
configuration of your computer and generate
debug information that can be used for remote
diagnose of an installation problem.

Copyright (c) 1998-2012 Rohde & Schwarz DVS GmbH

The file produced is in normal ascii format and you
can check the contents of it before submitting it.

dvsinfo (? for help): 

Press "?" to get a list of options:

[root@venice~]# /opt/DVS/Driver/bin/dvsinfo 

Welcome to the DVS PCI Videocard Information Program

This program is to be used for diagnose problems
with the installation of the DVS videocards in your
computer. With this program you can see the PCI
configuration of your computer and generate
debug information that can be used for remote
diagnose of an installation problem.

Copyright (c) 1998-2012 Rohde & Schwarz DVS GmbH

The file produced is in normal ascii format and you
can check the contents of it before submitting it.

dvsinfo (? for help): ?
1 - Driver
2 - DebugInfo
3 - PCI Scan
4 - PCI Info
5 - PCI Dump
6 - Save ALL Information to Logfile
q - Quit this program
dvsinfo (? for help): 6

You will want to select option #6 as shown above.  You will then be asked what you would like to name the generated file:

[root@venice~]# /opt/DVS/Driver/bin/dvsinfo 

Welcome to the DVS PCI Videocard Information Program

This program is to be used for diagnose problems
with the installation of the DVS videocards in your
computer. With this program you can see the PCI
configuration of your computer and generate
debug information that can be used for remote
diagnose of an installation problem.

Copyright (c) 1998-2012 Rohde & Schwarz DVS GmbH

The file produced is in normal ascii format and you
can check the contents of it before submitting it.

dvsinfo (? for help): ?
1 - Driver
2 - DebugInfo
3 - PCI Scan
4 - PCI Info
5 - PCI Dump
6 - Save ALL Information to Logfile
q - Quit this program
dvsinfo (? for help): 6
Enter name for log file [dvsinfo.txt]: my1st_dvsinfo.txt

 In the above example the file named "my1st_dvsinfo.txt) will be written to the current directory (maning the directory you were in when you launched the DVSInfo application).  The DVSInfo application will prompt you again, to exit use option "q".

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