Venice 2U/Element Hardware Troubleshooting Guide

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The Venice 2U/Element Hardware Guide has a troubleshooting section that will help to identify a problem and find a solution.

A.1 Trouble Shooting

The table below lists some errors that may occur during the operation of the DVS system and details how to resolve them. If you experience trouble that cannot be resolved with the solutions described here or in chapter "Maintenance", please contact your local vendor or DVS directly.

Table A-1: Troubleshooting for the VENICE 2U/Element system




Accesses to the main storage are slow.


Drops occurred during playout/capture.

The data storage is too full.

It is recommended to use only 85% of the overall hard disk capacity to ensure real-time capability. If the storage is too full, delete some of your data.

Configurations of the system have been altered.

Contact the DVS service department.

One or more hard disks of the hard disk array are worn.

Try to identify the worn disk and replace it as described in section "Hard Disk Maintenance".

A RAID controller is defective.

If you can rule out the above mentioned causes, a RAID controller may be defective. Please contact the DVS service department.

An alarm is sounded and the alarm LED within the operation items is lit.


You received an E-mail notification according to your settings.

One of the power supply units has been disconnected from power during operation.

Check the LEDs of the power supply units. If one is extinguished, this unit may be disconnected from power. Examine the power cord of the unit. See to it that it is in good technical order, correctly plugged in at both ends and that the mains current is operating properly.

One of the power supply units has failed.

Check the LEDs of the power supply units. If one is extinguished and you can rule out the above mentioned cause, a power supply unit has failed. Replace the broken unit as described in section "Power Supply Maintenance".

A fan has failed.

Check the LEDs of the power supply units. If all are green, shut down the system (see section "Shutting Down the System") and check whether a fan has failed (see section "Removal of the Faceplate"). If necessary replace the broken module as described in the same section.

The system is overheated.

If you can rule out the above mentioned causes, the alarm must be due to overheating. See to it that the ambient temperature at the front of the system does not exceed the operating temperature specified in section "Technical Data". If the temperature is within the range, check the ventilation holes of the system and free them from all obstructions (e.g. dust). In case the problem persists, contact the DVS service department.

An alarm is sounded and the alarm LED within the operation items is off (sometimes while the LED disk error can be lit up in red).


At start-up the system is not able to initialize a disk set.

A hard disk or a hard disk carrier got loose/jammed (e.g. after transport) or is not mounted correctly.

Shut down the system as described in section "Shutting Down the System". Then perform the following: Pull all disk carriers partially out of the chassis and afterwards install them again. See to it that they are pulled out and reassembled correctly as described in section "Replacing a Hard Disk". After that start the system again.

A hard disk of the hard disk array is defective.

Replace the defective disk as explained in section "Hard Disk Maintenance".

The RAID controller is defective.

If you can rule out the above mentioned causes, a RAID controller may be defective. Please contact the DVS service department.

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