Venice hangs at the Energy Efficient Solutions screen with B4 code.
Update motherboard BIOS.
Bad BIOS S073
Good BIOS S086
A newer BIOS version TOLDS090 Release date: 08/22/2014:
FAT32 format a USB stick, don't make it bootable, just a quick format will do.
Unzip the firmware file and place the .bin and .cfg file to the root of the USB.
Attach the USB stick with the firmware to the rear of the Venice. Do not use the front USB ports.
Remove the Rescue USB drive from inside the Venice if installed. This is located on the side wall behind the drive bays on the right side viewed from front.
Also make sure there are no other USB drives/sticks attached other than the one with the firmware.
Reboot the Venice system and select the "F" option when prompted with the following menu (note: you have just a second or two to reply)
Press <F> key to update BIOS
Press <S> key to dump system bios information
Press <F> key to update BIOS
Press <I> key to post system information
press <F4> key to open POPUP menu
Press any key to continue or waiting for 10 seconds
The Messiah Flash Utility will start with the following prompt:
Select the Update Flash option to start the flash process.
Filename: TOLDS090.bin
Update Flash
Reload File
Reset System
If this option is missing then troubleshoot the USB / file because it is not detected.
When done, you will be asked if you would like to "Update Flash again" or "Reset System". Choose "Reset System"
Remove the USB stick that contained the BIOS flash and replace the DVS Rescue USB stick.
After the flash is complete, you may need to connect a monitor through the onboard VGA port.
Enter the BIOS (hit the <delete> key at splash screen) and verify the BIOS version has been updated.
Note: You may be prompted to "Load the Pervious Settings", if so, choose "yes"