Spycer Installation and license instructions

greg cash -

Spycer Licensing Note PDF

Spycer Installation:

Linux and MacOS are no longer supported but kept here to preserve the info.

Linux - please also read the Linux Notes below.
Windows - double click to launch the .exe installer.
MacOS - double click to launch the .dmg installer.

Configure the Spycer-net:

Start Spycer after install, select the IP address for the Spycer-net:
Option > Config > General. Select the IP for that computer from the drop down menu > Apply Network Setting.


If this is being installed on a Clipster/Fuze/Venice or any R&S/DVS equipment Spycer will get it's license from the hardware, therefore a separate license request is not required.

How to generate a license request file:

In the Spycer application > Tools > License Management > File Request
*NOTE: Mac OSX - Spycer application > Preferences > License Management > File Request
The request file will be placed on the desktop. Please send it back to us and we will send you the license key file.


How to apply a license file:

When you receive the license key, save it to a folder then perform License Update
In the Spycer application > Tools > License Management > License Update.
*NOTE: Mac OSX - Spycer application > Preferences > License Management > License Update.

Linux Notes:

Supported versions are: RedHat and CentOS.  No SuSE, but an older version of Spycer does.

CodeMeter is required for Linux for first time install, if upgrading then you would not need to install CodeMeter again.

Download CodeMeter: click here CodeMeter or download latest from the internet.

Linux working knowledge is a prerequisite. 

Disable firewall.

Install CodeMeter and Spycer per example below.

If upgrading Spycer, replace the "-ivh" below with "-Uvh".

[root@mds1-120120007 Spycer]# ll
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12225923 Nov 22 2012 CodeMeter64-3.30-500.x86_64.rpm
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 61612592 Jun 27 01:15 Spycer-

[root@mds1-120120007 Spycer]# rpm -ivh CodeMeter64-3.30-500.x86_64.rpm 
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:CodeMeter64 ########################################### [100%]

[root@mds1-120120007 Spycer]# rpm -ivh Spycer- 
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:Spycer ########################################### [100%]
SpycerAgent daemon mode disabled.
SpycerWebService daemon mode disabled.
[root@mds1-120120007 Spycer]#

Additionally, sometimes Spycer will not launch:

If clicking on the Spycer icon does not start the Spycer user interface, then from a terminal command line type Spycer and see if you get any error messages:

# Spycer
Spycer error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

One way to resolve this is, in terminal, as root (or sudo), type yum provides libssl.so.6 then copy and paste the resulting package name into yum install _____.

If that does not work try duplicating the missing libssl.so.6 from a similar one  in the /usr/lib64 directory:

# Spycer
Spycer: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
# locate libssl.so.6
# cd /usr/lib64
# ll libssl*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 257120 Dec 3 05:06 libssl3.so
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 16 Dec 2 16:42 libssl.so.10 -> libssl.so.1.0.1e
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 444168 Nov 6 04:36 libssl.so.1.0.1e
# cp libssl.so.10 libssl.so.6
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