Rack mount - SpycerBox Flex / Ultra, Clipster 5u

Robert Leong -

Rack mount kit using part number: 84H351910-024 / AR68-686BPZZ0CF.   There might be other mount kits available, please confirm the kit part number before starting.

Rack mount depth minimum 26”.

Using the inner two threaded mounting holes, mount the rails between the 2nd and 3rd U position as shown (mounting holes marked as X ).


                              |_ o
                           5u |_ o
                              |_ o ____
                              |_ o 
                           4u |_ o
                              |_ o ____
                              |_ o
                           3u |_ o
                  >>>         |_ X ____
                  >>>         |_ X 
                           2u |_ o
                              |_ o ____
                              |_ o
                           1u |_ o
                              |_ o ____

                             5u Chassis


Mount the sliders to the lower of the two possible locations with three screws as shown, do same on other side.




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