How to use frametest

Robert Leong -

Download frametest here:
Linux (32bit):
Linux (64bit): See below

Frametest can be executed on many OS platforms, the syntax is the same. Run it from a terminal session. 

First thing to do is to make a directory in the device you want to test, in this example it is directory 'test', in the mount point /media/jimsan3 on our Linux based MDS1. You can test a SAN volume or local storage.

Run frametest two times, 1st time a write pass, the 2nd time a read pass. The write pass generates test frames in the test directory that the read pass will use.

The parameters used below will simulate 2k DPX file sequence (-w 2k).

Here is the write command line:

frametest -w 2k -t 4 v:/tmp

-w is the write command, 2k is the format it will simulate.
-t 4 is to run the test with 4 threads at the same time.
/media/jimsan3/test is the path which the test will be performed.

The default will test for 1800 frames, this can be changed by adding the -n option followed by number of frames to test, example:

frametest -w 2k -t 4 -n 9000 /media/jimsan3/test

Here is the read command line:

frametest -r 2k -t 4 /media/jimsan3/test

-r is the read command.

To see other frametest options, type frametest alone without parameters on the command line.

Example of test output, the Overall value in the Data Rate column shows the data rate:

Test parameters:      -w12512 -n1800 
Test duration:        43 secs
Frames transferred:   1796 (21944.875 MB)
Fastest frame:        18.073 ms (676.08 MB/s)
Slowest frame:        229.310 ms (53.28 MB/s)

Averaged details:
             Open        I/O         Frame      Data rate   Frame rate
 Last 1s:   0.041 ms    25.74 ms    25.78 ms   473.88 MB/s   38.8 fps
      5s:   0.042 ms    24.46 ms    24.51 ms   498.51 MB/s   40.8 fps
     30s:   0.043 ms    24.15 ms    24.20 ms   504.98 MB/s   41.3 fps
 Overall:   0.043 ms    24.05 ms    24.10 ms   506.93 MB/s   41.5 fps   

Histogram of frame completion times:
 100% |                                                                     
      |                                     *                               
      |                                     *                               
      |                                     *                               
      |                                    **                               
      |                                    **                               
      |                                    **                               
      |                                    ***            ****              
 ms  <0.1  .2    .5    1    2     5   10   20    50   100  200   500  >1s

Overall frame rate .... 41.51 fps (531807231 bytes/s)

 Average file time ...... 24.090 ms
 Shortest file time ..... 18.073 ms
 Longest file time ...... 229.310 ms

 Average create time .... 0.043 ms
 Shortest create time ... 0.037 ms
 Longest create time .... 0.265 ms

 Average write time ..... 24.0 ms
 Shortest write time .... 18.0 ms
 Longest write time ..... 229.3 ms

 Average close time .... 0.004 ms
 Shortest close time ... 0.003 ms
 Longest close time .... 0.014 ms

Additional notes:

An example to create a single file large file instead of file sequence:

frametest -s -w 8192 filename

An example to read the above created file:

frametest -s -z 8192 -r filename<

 Linux 64 bit

Use the 32 bit frametest and install 32 bit package support for your 64 bit Linux. 

This was tested with Redhat 7.x 

# yum install glibc.i686


Buffered versions:

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