Restore from DVS Rescue USB - Venice 2u

Robert Leong -

DVS Rescue USB

Restore an OS image from the built-in USB stick.  As of around late 2012 the restore medium had been changed from DVD to USB drive, the USB drive is pre-installed inside the system.

This restore will erase everything on the destination device and replace it with the restored image.

This example was taken from a Venice 2u.

Boot from the Rescue USB

  1. Remove all Fibre Channel connections and any extra USB devices.

  2. Power up the computer and press F4 to start the POPUP menu when prompted.

  3. Select JetFlash..., this could be different if another manufacturer's USB stick was used.



Your menu could be different but the idea is the same.

  1. In DVS Rescue Tools select DVS Rescue.


  2. Select 2 - Restore from internal USB device


  3. Enter "sda" for the System-Device is normally the default, but....

    In some systems with multiple RAID cards or multiple volumes on one RAID card, it is not clear which /dev to restore to, it is likely that the lowest numbered [x:x:x:x] values is the likely choice, but you might need to verify this by booting into the RAID card's BIOS to verify.


  4. Select the image listed, normally there is only one image but sometimes more, select the most recent version is a good default.


  5. Restore takes about 10 minutes, when complete select 3 to Reboot the system.

  6. The system should boot into the newly restored version.


Example screenshots of older rescue variations:






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