If you want to find where all your storage are going to in a Linux box, use the du command.
- "cd" into the top level to want to look down from, something like a SAN mount point for example.
- Use "du -chs *" to print out the size of everything in the directory you are logged into. This includes individual files, directories and all the files in them.
[root@sbultra-136100027 /]# cd /media/spycer-vol0/ [root@sbultra-136100027 /media/spycer-vol0]# du -chs * 35G 2014_VENICE_DEMO_SYSTEM_CONTENT 7.7T 2b_deleted 2.0G ANC 83M Avid 6.0G DELIVERY 4.0K Demo 98M eacl-1525 2.0G FRIDAY_99 130M johnl_spycertest 71M License 105G MASTERING_COLOR_SCIENCE_JULY2016-UK 600G NAB_2015_DEMO_CONTENT 262G New Folder 4.8G NTC 4.0K proxies 8.0K $RECYCLE.BIN 12K Recycled 29G robert_temp 11G RSA_TEMP_DEMO 4.0K Software 87G test records 190G tmp 9.0T total