Samba 4.2 open mount

Robert Leong -


smb.conf file example used on SpycerBox Cell for SMB mount without needing password/login.

Download from here:


[root@sbcell-162150058 samba]# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
    netbios name = spycerboxcell
    netbios aliases = spycerboxcell
    server string = SPYCERBOXCELL
    local master = no
    workgroup = SPYCER
;    domain master = no
;    show add printer wizard = no
;    encrypt passwords = yes
    security = user
    map to guest = Bad Password
    guest ok = yes
    preferred master = no
    passdb backend = tdbsam
;    wins support = no

    path = /media/spycer-vol0
    writeable = yes
    guest ok = yes
    guest only = no
    create mask = 0770
    directory mask = 0770
    read only = no
    comment = Spycerbox Cell
    browseable = yes




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