Clipster SW - Install instructions

Rob Bennett -

Follow steps below to update software + 2018 license + Digilab2 board firmware. 


1. Uninstall currently installed Clipster software. 

2. Install new software.

3. File attached is your permanent 2018 feature set license key. ( You may already have this key installed ) 

4. Install permanent license key if not already installed. 

Note: Dvsconf license utility has been removed and replaced with RSControl Panel GUI. 

Use RS Control Panel to add new key file. ( See attached screen grabs for hints ) 

5. A firmware update is required on the Digilab2 video processing board.

Firmware is located in the firmware folder of the installer. 


To flash code double click on Digilab2up_2.12.0.6.exe using Windows Explorer.

After firmware update completes, you must power off then on Clipster system. 


6. When started Clipster software might prompt to update the GPU driver.

Only if your system is equipped and licensed for floating point processing.


If so, the newer GPU driver will be in the GPU folder of the installer.

Please select your Clipster OS version of either Windows 10 or Windows 7.


If you have any questions, please email or call our support team.  

818 846-3600 ext. 2


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